Why Are On-Prem Servers a Bad Idea for Your Business?

Estimated read time 5 min read

Most companies often keep servers and operating systems as physical assets inside the walls. They can reap a few advantages from this process, and the physical setup is advantageous. However, it also brings risks that can hit you hard if not addressed. The on-prem server setup seems less attractive than cloud data storage or cloud hosting. When choosing this setup or any other data storage method, you better consider a few risk factors that can hamper your corporate performance. This post will reveal why on-prem servers are bad for your business. Keep walking with us to learn more!

Risks of having on-prem servers:

On-prem servers have been a regularly practiced concept in the industry until the invention of cloud storage. Companies used to store their data and software as tangible assets, which worked out too. However, this practice sounds less secure, with more cyberattacks entering the industry. On-prem servers can pose multiple risks and challenges for your business – including security audits and scalability. Here are a few other risks you can face with an on-prem server. Let us scroll through it quickly!

1. Security risks:

Your office building might be exposed to various security threats, and so are your on-prem servers. These risks include fire, flood, and break-ins which can put your data at risk. With these risks hanging over your head, you are susceptible to countless data breaches and attacks. Why not avoid this setup and enter the modern era as 2023 is here? It sounds wise!

The risk of physical damage to on-prem servers will never let you enjoy peace of mind. Nothing can stop natural disasters like floods and building collapse; what would you do as a plan B? It would be best to consider moving your server and data to the cloud or any other safer site.

2. Scaling inability:

Your company will grow, and so should your physical server to accommodate the data and software. Scaling a physical server is never easy; it takes time and cost to see the results. On-prem servers will remain unscaled as you will never find enough budget and expertise to let it happen. Therefore, you need to think creatively and opt for something that scales easily!

Nothing will help you more than opting for a scalable yet secure hosting platform. The platform will accommodate your needs even if you expand your business internationally. Why not contact a dedicated server hosting company in Dubai and purchase a plan from them?

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3. Lack of accessibility:

Taking your office data anywhere – like a cloud platform – is impossible with an on-prem server. The data would be limited to physical users only, and your office might lack the ability to go remote. On-prem servers will never allow you to connect with your remote employees and share the data with them.

The lack of accessibility could be a risk factor for your office/business to expand and go remote. Since a remote workspace requires additional servers and hardware, on-prem servers will never cater to the needs.

4. Minimal data backup:

Data back and recovery are essential aspects of any server, and no business can survive without them. The greatest risk of on-prem servers is that you have minimal data backup and recovery options available at your end. A slight mishap can wipe out your entire database with no chances/modes of recovery. A malfunction in the server will lead to permanent data loss, and your business will be in the middle of nowhere.

Businesses can choose viable data storage methods and servers to stay safer in mishaps. They can secure their up-to-date information with swift recovery options. Do you want to opt for a server with ample data recovery options? Consider contacting a dedicated server hosting company in Dubai and choose the platform of your dreams!

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5. Higher operating costs:

Running and managing an on-prem server while maintaining security can cost you more than you think. You will incur additional costs since hiring a dedicated IT staff for the purpose would be mandatory. These servers will cost your company more in the long run due to:

  • Maintenance costs
  • Server Hardware
  • Power consumption
  • Accounting for physical space

Alternative options are always affordable, as you only have to pay for the resources you use. Moreover, in the case of managed hosting solutions, the hosting provider will take care of server maintenance and security. Why not choose these viable hosting plans to reduce your overall costs?

Enhance your site performance with dedicated servers:

A dedicated server can offer ample computational resources like bandwidth, RAM, and storage. It helps your website enjoy dedicated resources without any foreign interruptions. Do you want to host your website on a dedicated server? Consider contacting reliable web hosting companies and purchasing a dedicated hosting plan for your site to enhance the overall site performance!

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