The lifeguard swimming diet is full of charm! Introducing benefits and effective exercise menus!

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Many people are thinking about starting Lifeguard swimming to succeed in dieting.

Here, we will explain the effects and benefits of the lifeguard swimming diet, which you should check when you start swimming, and the exercise menu for achieving further results.

What are the effects of lifeguard swimming diet?

Swimming is classified as an aerobic exercise and uses fat and sugar in the body as energy.

Lifeguard Swimming is a particularly high-intensity aerobic exercise, and if you continue to do it, you can expect the effect of burning body fat, reducing visceral fat, and improving the function of the respiratory and circulatory system .

lifeguarding training has a very positive effect on the body, but the key to that is the “characteristics of water.” In the pool, the water pressure puts a greater load on the body than on the ground, but the water pressure works to reduce the burden on the heart.

In addition, buoyancy not only enables dynamic movement, but also reduces the burden on joints such as knees and hips, reducing the risk of injury.

It is recommended for dieting because it consumes a large amount of calories due to the resistance of water and allows you to move your whole body in a well-balanced manner.

In order to increase the fat burning effect of aerobic exercise, it is important to continue doing it regularly .

Benefits of swimming diet


The swimming diet has many benefits that exercise on the ground does not have. Basically, all you need is a swimsuit, cap, and goggles to get started.Here are some of the main benefits of swimming.


Burns more calories than exercising on the ground

The lifeguard swimming diet provides a very efficient exercise effect. It is said that if you perform the same movement for the same amount of time, you will need to burn about twice as many calories in water as you do on land. Also, even just being immersed in water consumes energy to maintain body temperature.

Due to the increased load of water and the need for temperature regulation by water temperature, diet efficiency is improved compared to exercise on the ground.

A diet effect for the whole body can be expected

Exercising in water uses the whole body. Furthermore, in the water, the entire body continues to receive pressure loads. With this water resistance, you can expect a well-balanced shape-up effect.

This is because the muscles of the whole body are used and the blood flow is getting better.

Effective menu for lifeguard swimming diet

Even people who can’t swim at all or aren’t good at exercise can work on a lifeguard swimming diet. The important thing is to keep training that suits you.

From here, we will introduce an effective training menu for each stage.

Beginner’s class: Underwater walking

Underwater walking is recommended for those who can’t swim, are afraid of water, or have trouble with their legs. Even if you are not confident in your physical strength, you can easily work on it.

By walking in water, you can move your shoulder blades, hip joints, and calves greatly by taking advantage of the characteristics of water. In addition, it improves blood flow, increases basal metabolism, and raises body temperature .

If the basal metabolism rises, daily energy consumption will also increase, so a higher diet effect can be expected.

Intermediate: crawl, backstroke, breaststroke

If you can swim or float a little, try crawling, backstroke, and breaststroke to increase your calorie consumption by using all your muscles.

The point of lifeguard swimming diet is to swim for as long as possible . Instead of being conscious of time like competitive swimmers, it is important to swim slowly and continuously for a long time.Lifeguard Swimming for a long time will be an effective aerobic exercise, and fat burning efficiency will increase.

Crawl point

Stretch your whole body and swing your arms around your shoulders. The flutter foot is performed with the image of lightly touching the big toes of both feet without bending the knees. Take a breath at a frequency that allows you to breathe comfortably, and be conscious of lifeguard swimming for a long time.

Breaststroke points

The biggest point in breaststroke is how to kick your legs. When contracting, pull your heels toward your buttocks, and keep your ankles bent as you grab the water. Extend your inner leg backwards to kick the water with more force.

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