Symptoms and causes of Misophonia Disorder

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There are so many types of sound Which are disliked by many people and those sounds which are disliked by any people that sound irritates him and sometimes those voices make you emotional, sad, anxious, depressed, etc. And sometimes it is very difficult to control those trigger sounds. When you give any reaction to those disliked sounds, that is known as misophonia and this is also a type of mental health disorder. And it is not necessary that these sounds affect every person in a single Way. Every sound affects all people in a different way. Sometimes any person is affected by any other effect by that sound and the same sound is affecting that person in another way. Some people control themselves on those sounds but some people can’t control themselves and give emotional or any other reaction to those sounds.

Mental health services in cleveland Research proved that women are affected by misophonia more than men. 55% to 83% of women are affected by misophonia. And 23% of women who are undergraduate or college girls are mostly affected by misophonia. By this we can guess that misophonia is also a common mental health disorder. And it is not well-known to 80% of people. Very few people know about this mental health disorder. So everyone should understand this mental health disorder and every person should know about its symptoms and causes so that you can treat this mental health disorder on time.

What is Misophonia?

When someone gets irritated, depressed, scared, etc to any sound or from different types of sounds and then those people give emotional or any other type of reaction to that sound, this is known as Misophonia. This is also a type of mental health disorder. 

Symptoms of Misophonia 

There are several symptoms of Misophonia. How and what reaction you give on trigger sounds are its symptoms. Some of those symptoms are mentioned below. 


Emotions are those feelings which you feel. These feelings occur so quickly for many people. It means that you start getting irritated immediately on very small things, actions, and sound. You become so angry, sometimes you get affected by anxiety, and sometimes you give a reaction of fear and disgust. When this happens with you after listening to any sound then you should become alerted and you should move to control and treat that problem. You should also visit Counseling & Treatment Clinic PTSD near me for more to know about emotional symptom.


There are some processes which occur naturally or automatically. And there are some of these processes which occur when you are in dangerous or horror situations, they occur with your body. Your blood pressure suddenly increases so much, it becomes higher than normal blood pressure, sometimes chest pressure occurs, or tightness occurs, goosebumps occur, heartbeat rate increases, so much sweating starts in the body of that person, etc. 


These are some reactions which take place in the response of triggered sounds. These are some impulse or instinct driven reactions. It means that you don’t have control over them and you don’t know what you are doing and what are you saying. You avoid those places where trigger sound is playing and you also leave that place where trigger sound is present. You give verbal or vocal reactions such as you are talking with anyone, you give non violent reactions to stop that sound.

Causes of Misophonia

There could be many factors of Misophonia. Sometimes due to any one factor you can be affected by Misophonia and sometimes it could also be caused by 2 or 3 causes when these combine, they cause Misophonia. Some of these causes are mentioned below. 

Brain structure differences

Research shows that  those people who have some differences in their brain, in those people Misophonia is found mostly. So Misophonia could also be caused by differences in the brain structure. Misophonia could also be caused by those connections or activities which take place in the areas of the brain. Affected areas of the brain control the emotions and manage the emotions when you listen or hear any triggered sound. Because hearing emotions in the brain are present in the built in self protection system. That’s why you get angry, irritated, disgusted, etc when you listen to a disliked sound.

Family history 

This is also evidence that Misophonia is also transferred through genes. If in the family, anyone is affected by Misophonia disorder then it may be transferred to any other child. Family history is also a cause of Misophonia disorder.

Other causes 

There could be so many other reasons of Misophonia’s such as neurodivergent condition and other brain disorders such as ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, tourette syndrome, etc and same as this other mental health conditions are also causes of OCD, PTSD, MDD, or BPD, etc and other conditions related to hearing such as your frequency increases of hearing or tinnitus or hyperacusis etc these are also the causes of Misophonia.

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