Rice Purity Test Score Meaning: What it means and how to use it

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Understanding what your rice purity test score means can help you get to know your friends better and have a little fun too!


The Rice Purity Test is a viral quiz that people can take to find out more about themselves. But it’s not some random quiz you might find on Buzzfeed or Sporcle—it was created by Rice University in Texas. Although it has been used in a low-key context for the past few decades, it has been famous (or infamous) since the 1980s.


Even if you’re just interested in how you compare to others, it’s a fun way to learn more about how much you know about innocence. This article describes what the rice purity test score is, what it means, and how the test is scored.



What is rice purity test?

It’s a tool created by the university that allows people to see how they compare to others in the realm of holiness. A person’s rice purity score is supposed to show their history with alcohol, sexual acts, hard drugs, and illegal acts, allowing them to understand the degree of their innocence.


If someone has a score between 100 and 90, they are considered very clean. The lower your score, the less “clean” you are.


It is a powerful tool for community building, especially in colleges and young adult groups.


What’s wrong with the rice purity test?

For some people, the rice purity test is a way to determine someone’s level of maturity. However, Rice University originally used the test to assess its female population in the early 1920s. Although it is now considered a fun quiz with friends, its origins are unclear at best.


The Rice Purity Test was used to shame women for their pasts, not unlike other purity tests published at the time at schools like Columbia and Carnegie Mellon. While the rice purity test can be a fun experience, remember that the concept of “purity” can be deeply damaging to young women and should not be an indicator of value.


Subsections of Rice Purity Test

There are several specific topics in the rice purity test that fall into different categories of impurities. Of course, people won’t know which boxes people checked just by looking at their number, which is useful for people who want to keep their privacy.


Here are some of the main topics covered by the Rice Purity Test.


Romantic or sexual acts

This is by far the most common group of items on the test. At the low end are acts like a first kiss, giving or receiving a hickey, kissing a non-family member, dancing without leaving room for Jesus, or other things likely to be done by a relatively “clean” person.


This is followed by actions such as viewing pornographic material, masturbating, kissing below the belt or kissing the breasts, or performing sexual movements in clothing with the MPS (a member of the preferred sex).


This is followed by actions such as oral sex, consumption of genital secretions, orgasm due to someone’s manipulation, caressing the genitals, talking in a sensual context via video chat or receiving booty. Then there are actions like sex in the pool or hot tub, anal sex, menstrual sex, threesomes or orgies, using a sex toy, having sex with a stranger, using contraception like a condom, and pregnancy scares. .


This is followed by other tantalizing acts, including an act of voyeurism, incest or sodomy. These are some of the sharpest actions in the rice purity test.


Judicial matters

These actions relate to a person’s history with the law. This includes everything from being sent to the principal’s office to vandalism to being handcuffed by the police. Further afield in this subsection are actions such as criminal convictions.


Use of substance

This subsection deals with a person’s history with substances such as drugs and alcohol. This includes things like drinking alcohol in a non-religious context, smoking tobacco, and using drugs. These drugs include marijuana, cocaine, horse tranquilizers, PCP, heroin, and methamphetamine.


The rice purity test can be a fun way to bond with your friends – it’s even gone viral on TikTok as a cute new trend! However, remember to never judge someone based on their rice purity test score. After all, it’s not the 1920s anymore.


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Rice University | Rice

Rice Purity Test | Rice purity test

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