How to color pages like a pro: 5 easy tips

Estimated read time 5 min read

coloring pages for kids can be a fun way to personalize books, project binders, and more. But unless you’re a professional colorist, it can be hard to get the perfect color palette. That’s why we put together this blog post, packed with 5 easy tips to help you color pages like a pro. From learning about the different types of dyes to choosing the right tools, follow these tips and you’ll be dyeing like a pro in no time!

Choose the right colored papers

When it comes to color pages, there are a few things you can do to make the process easier. First of all, choose the right colored papers. Some papers are better for certain types of artwork, while others are better for bold or complex colors. Second, be sure to familiarize yourself with the different types of pens and inks available so you can create the colors you desire. Finally, take your time and enjoy it!

Start with basic shapes

If you are a coloring book beginner, start with basic shapes. Here are five easy tips for coloring like a pro:


1) Choose soothing colors. When coloring pages for yourself or others, choose colors that help you relax and focus on your work. Examples of calming colors include light blue and green, as well as purple and lavender.


2) Use complementary colors. When coloring a page using two different colors together, make sure that the two colors are complementary (that is, they have an opposite effect on each other). For example, if you’re coloring a page with blue and green, make sure the blue works with the green to create different shades of teal or purple-lavender.


3) Keep it simple. Don’t try to do too much with the coloring pages – keep them simple and straightforward. If something is challenging or difficult to understand, it will probably be harder for you to complete it.


4) Start with the small details first. Before you start filling large areas with color, start by adding smaller details like highlights or shadows. This will help you get a better idea of ​​how the colors interact and how they look on the page before making more major changes.


5) Take your time! Coloring pages can take hours or even days to complete – don’t rush anything. When you’re done, you’ll be glad you took the time to do a great job.

Add texture with patterned papers

Looking to add some texture to your pages without using a lot of extra supplies? You can do it easily with patterned papers! Here are four simple tips to color pages like a pro using patterned papers:


  1. Use multiple patterns on one sheet of paper. This will help create more texture.
  2. Use light and dark colors together. This will help create depth and dimension.
  3. Use different sizes and shapes of patterns. This will help create variation and interest on the page.
  4. Use paper with a rough surface as this will help add more texture.

Use lights and shadows to create depth

Whether you’re coloring a single page or an entire book, adding depth and dimension to your work is a simple yet effective way to make your drawings look more polished. Here are four tips to achieve this effect:


1. Use Lights and Shadows to create depth


Lights and shadows give the illusion of depth in drawings by creating contrast between light and dark areas. For shadows, use darker colors to show areas that are in shadow.


2. Use gradients to add depth


For example, start with a lighter color at the top of the gradient and work your way down to a darker color.


3. Use Silhouette to create depth


Using silhouettes can also create the illusion of depth in drawings. To do this, start by sketching the outlines of your objects before filling them in with details. Then use shading and highlighting to create the appearance of depth in each object.


4. Use Curves and Lines to add depth


last but not least, curves and lines can also be used to add depth in drawings.

Use Accents to customize your pages

There are a few simple tips that can help you customize your site like a pro. One way to add personality is to use accents. You can use different accents in text, photos and designs. If you’re from the Midwest and like country music, you might want to use twang in your text or photos.


Another way to customize your pages is to use colors. You don’t need any special skills or tools to do this; all you need is a little creativity and a basic knowledge of colors. For example, if you are a fan of sports teams, use their colors as part of your design elements. Or if you’re a nature lover, use natural colors like green or blue. And finally, don’t be afraid to experiment with different fonts and font sizes – this too can help create a unique look for your site.

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